Hatch Opportunities

Hatch: DCFW’s network for fresh-thinking shapers of the built environment in Wales



Hatch is the Design Commission for Wales’ network for fresh-thinking shapers of the built environment in Wales

Our next event is…

Hatch Christmas Social

6-7.30pm Thursday 29th November 2018

Little Man Garage, Tudor Lane, Cardiff CF10 6AZ

Register here


Hatch aims to…

  • Be a voice for good design and make sure it’s heard by the right people
  • Raise awareness of the value of good, joined up design and planning, and the difference it can make to individuals and communities
  • Learn and improve our skills to become better designers, enabling us to raise the standard of design in the built environment in Wales and make better places which are more sustainable
  • Tackle the challenges and risks faced by talented designers in Wales together, bridging the gap between built environment disciplines
  • Demonstrate the value of innovative design processes and solutions
  • Raise design aspirations in Wales
  • Have fun in the process!

To meet its aims, Hatch will…

  • Proactively uphold the strategic aims of the Design Commission for Wales
  • Meet, talk and do things together to achieve our aims
  • Share ideas and information
  • Look for, create and share opportunities
  • Celebrate good design in Wales
  • Take an interest in the politics influencing design and the built environment
  • Connect with and inspire Wales’ future generation of designers

Download the Hatch Flyer to spread the word

Hatch Programme Part 1 will provide you with dates of upcoming events

Follow @HatchDCFW on Twitter

Want to get involved?

If you’d like to join Hatch, please download and fill in this Joining Form and send it back to us.

Hatch Joining Form

Hatch is open to all enthusiastic, open-minded and ambitious designers, planners, engineers and other shapers of the built environment in Wales.  Give us a call if you’d like to find out more.

Once registered, you will receive email updates about Hatch events and opportunities, and you will be added to the list of active Hatch participants on our website (with your permission)

Some Hatch events will have an attendance fee as indicated on the programme.  This is to help cover costs and will help us to bring in speakers and to visit places that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.  This will be kept to a minimum with most events costing just £5 and others will remain free.

The Design Commission invests its resources to facilitate Hatch, and we expect those who join to actively contribute their skills and ideas to the group.  (Those who have not contributed for a period six month will be removed from the website.)


The active Hatch network includes…

James Stroud, Project Designer, Loyn & Co Architects

John Lloyd, Lead Energy Engineer, Amber Energy

Emily Hall, Associate Architect, Hall + Bednarczyk Architects

Steve Coombs, Architect/Lecturer, Coombs Jones/Welsh School of Architecture

Kate Davis, Planning Student, Cardiff University

Lauren Philips, Urban Designer, The Urbanists

Wendy Maden, Design Research Assistant, Design Commission for Wales

Jamie Donegan, Urban Designer, The Urbanists

Michael Boyes, Architect, Hall + Bednarczyk

Mark Lawton, Landscape Architect, HLM

Emma Pearce, Urban Designer, Arup

Elan Wynne, Principal Architect, Stiwdiowen

Emma Price, Director, EMP Projects & Associates

Peter Trevitt, Peter Trevitt Consulting

Richard Williams, Veritii

Rob Chiat, Urban Designer, Arup

Claire Symons, Senior Landscape Architect, Stride Treglown

Jack Pugsley, Assistant Consultant Planning, Amec Foster Wheeler

Thomas Wynne, Associate Architect, UNIT Architects Limited

Lindsey Brown, Urban Designer

Eleanor Shelley, Architectural Assistant, Scott Brownrigg

Priit Jürimäe, Architectural Assistant, Scott Brownrigg

Efa Lois Thomas, Architectural Assistant, AustinSmith:Lord

Ruth Essex, Consultant & Creative Producer

Graham Findlay, Inclusive Design Consultant, Findlay Equality Services

Olympiada Kyritsi, Architect, Inspire Design

Adam Harris, Architectural Lead

Patrick Barry, Bridge Engineer, Arup

Karn Shah, Assistant Engineer, CH2M

Hatch Flyer


Call For Entries – Places For Life: Post Conference Perspectives

The Places for Life conference, which took place on 12th October 2016 will be followed by a publication capturing post-conference reflections and key messages from the speakers, workshops and discussions. We’re therefore extending an invitation to share your perspective as someone who attended the day or someone interested in the topics and themes that were explored.

The conference explored the interrelationship between mobility, green space, social infrastructure, placemaking and the important role of a clear vision in creating great places to live.  Where we live affects how we live and how we live affects everything else including our health, wellbeing, relationships, access to work, social life and impact on the environment.  Wales needs mroe homes and the future of residential development in Wales must be about more than just the number of ‘units’ that are built – it must be about creating thriving ‘places for life’.

The Design Commission for Wales invites submissions of up to 400-word abstracts for written reflections and/or articles on the theme of Places for Life for inclusion in the publication.  We encourage submissions from designers, planners, developers, surveyors, policy and decision makers, academics, artists, authors and others with an interest in what makes a great place to live and the difference that where we live makes to health, happiness and wellbeing.  The submission may be responses to the content of the conference, research findings from studies that you have been involved in, new ideas, fresh perspectives or case studies.  Images, diagrams and illustrations to accompany the text are welcomed.

We are keen for the conference to inspire and provoke better approaches to the way that residential developments are planned, designed and delivered and to hear about proposals that can help bring about change.  This could be a conversation, an idea, a shift in practice, or a change of thinking.

As a reminder, or if you missed the conference, you can find a summary of #placesforlife Twitter conversations here.

Abstracts and essays may be submitted in English and/or Welsh language. Joint authorship is allowed. You may enter more than one abstract. All abstracts received will be reviewed by the Design Commission for Wales, and a range of proposals will be selected for inclusion in the publication. Abstracts will be judged on the merit of their critical response to the theme of Places for Life, clarity of structure and expression, and their potential to stimulate and contribute to the debate.

Abstracts must be submitted with an entry form to the Commission by 26th October.  Authors of selected abstracts will be asked to submit text of no more than 3,000 words with relevant illustrations to be included in the publication which will also be made available on Design Commission for Wales’ website. Selected authors will be announced by Friday 4th November 2016. Completed essays should be received by Design Commission for Wales by midday on Friday 25th November 2016. The selection and editorial decision of the Design Commission for Wales is final.

Please contact Jen Heal, Design Advisor at the Design Commission for Wales if you have any questions or would like to submit an abstract:

T: 029 2045 1964



Caerdydd 2040 Cystadleuaeth Dylunio Poster

Roedd posteri’n hysbysebu dinasoedd a threfi’n boblogaidd yn hanner cyntaf yr 20fed ganrif ac yn aml, roedd cwmnïau trafnidiaeth a sefydliadau twristiaeth yn eu cynhyrchu. Roedd y posteri’n gwahodd ymwelwyr gyda llun deniadol a brawddeg a oedd yn crynhoi’r hyn yr oedd y ddinas yn ei gynnig. Gallwch weld rhywfaint o enghreifftiau ar fwrdd pin Comisiwn Dylunio Cymru

Fedrwch chi ein helpu i ddychmygu a hyrwyddo dyfodol amgylchedd trefol a naturiol Caerdydd? Sut fyddai poster yn hyrwyddo’r ddinas yn edrych mewn 25 mlynedd? Sut fyddech chi’n cyfathrebu eich gweledigaeth o’r ddinas hon yn y dyfodol – ei hadeiladau, strydoedd, mannau cyhoeddus a systemau cludiant? Ble fydd pobl yn byw? Sut fyddan nhw’n cael eu cyflogi? Sut fyddan nhw’n teithio? Beth fyddan nhw’n ei wneud am hwyl?

Mae Caerdydd yn mynd i dyfu, newid a datblygu’n sylweddol dros y degawdau nesaf, ac mae gan Gyngor Caerdydd strategaeth hirdymor uchelgeisiol ar gyfer y ddinas, a fydd yn gofyn am waith cynllunio a dylunio rhagorol. Mae llawer o elfennau yn plethu gyda’i gilydd i ffurfio dinas, ac a fydd yn chwarae rôl yn natblygiad Caerdydd dros y blynyddoedd nesaf. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys tai, addysg, cyflogaeth, teithio, hamdden, twristiaeth, diwylliant, bwyd, ynni a’r amgylchedd.

Mae Comisiwn Dylunio Cymru, a gefnogir gan Gyngor Caerdydd, yn eich annog i ddychmygu sut y gallai Caerdydd edrych yn 2040, a meddwl am sut y byddech yn dweud wrth y byd am eich gweledigaeth o’r ddinas. Pa effaith y gallai dylunio a chynllunio da ei chael ar y ddinas, a beth fydd yn denu pobl i fyw, gweithio ac ymweld â’r ddinas? Pa ffurf y gallai twf Caerdydd ei chymryd, a beth fydd yn gwneud y ddinas yn unigryw?

Dyluniwch boster sydd yn hyrwyddo eich gweledigaeth ar gyfer Caerdydd 2040

Crëwch boster i hysbysebu Caerdydd fel y dychmygwch y gallai fod yn 2040.
Gall unrhyw un ymgeisio – yn ifanc neu’n hen, neu rywle yn y canol!

Dylai eich poster ddilyn y fformat canlynol:

  • Maint A3
  • Cynnwys llun deniadol sy’n dangos eich gweledigaeth ar gyfer y ddinas
  • Cynnwys y prif bennawd: Caerdydd
  • Cynnwys brawddeg fer sy’n cyfleu eich gweledigaeth ar gyfer Caerdydd yn 2040.

Gall eich llun fod mor haniaethol, arddulliedig neu realistig ag y dymunwch, a gallwch ddefnyddio pa bynnag gyfrwng yr hoffech i’w greu, cyhyd ag y gallwch chi wneud hynny o fewn y fformat gofynnol. Os nad ydych yn hyderus am dynnu llun, rhowch gynnig ar rywbeth mwy haniaethol, neu arbrofwch gyda gludwaith, ffotograffiaeth ac offer digidol.

Anfonwch eich poster ar ffurf copi caled neu’n electronig, gyda ffurflen gais wedi’i chwblhau, erbyn 5pm ar 15 Ebrill 2016. Gallwch lawrlwytho’r ffurflen gais

Anfonwch gopïau caled at: Comisiwn Dylunio Cymru, 4ydd Llawr Adeiladau Cambrian, Sgwâr Mount Stuart, Caerdydd CF10 5FL. Anfonwch eich poster yn fflat, yn hytrach na wedi’i rolio, a rhowch eich enw mewn pensil ar y cefn.

Anfonwch gopïau electronig at:

Dylai ffeiliau’r posteri fod ar ffurf PDF cydraniad uchel, fel y gellir eu hargraffu’n glir ar bapur A3. Gellir cyflwynol ffurflenni cais mewn Word neu ffeiliau PDF. (Sylwer: Ni fydd ein system yn derbyn negeseuon e-byst sy’n fwy na 9 MB. Anfonwch y rhain drwy Dropbox neu debyg os oes angen.)

Dylai’r ffurflen gais gynnwys disgrifiad byr o’ch syniad a’ch gweledigaeth ar gyfer Caerdydd 2040 (hyd at 100 o eiriau).

Bydd yr holl geisiadau a dderbynnir erbyn y dyddiad cau yn cael eu hadolygu gan:

  • Carole-Anne Davies ac Amanda Spence, Comisiwn Dylunio Cymru
  • Y Cynghorydd Philip Bale, Arweinydd Cyngor Caerdydd
  • Y Cynghorydd Ramesh Patel, Aelod Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth, Cynllunio a Chynaliadwyedd
  • James Clemence, Pennaeth Cynllunio, Cyngor Caerdydd
  • Mike Biddulph, Cynllunydd a Chrëwr Lleoedd, Cyngor Caerdydd
  • Ruth Cayford, Rheolwr Celfyddydau Gweledol, Cyngor Caerdydd

Bydd ceisiadau’n cael eu barnu ar greadigrwydd y cysyniad ac ar effeithiolrwydd gweledol y weledigaeth.

Bydd enillwyr yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar 22 Ebrill. Bydd y posteri gorau yn cael eu harddangos yn Sgwâr Canolog Caerdydd ac yng ngorsaf drên Bae Caerdydd, drwy gefnogaeth Trenau Arriva Cymru, Exterion Media a Rightacres; ac ar wefan y Comisiwn Dylunio.

Bydd gwobrau’n cael eu dyfarnu ar gyfer y categorïau canlynol:

  • Enillydd cyffredinol
  • Enillydd dan 18 oed
  • Yr ail enillydd cyffredinol
  • Enillydd dan 11 oed

Bydd pob enillydd yn derbyn y gwobrau canlynol:

  • Taith tu ôl i’r llenni o amgylch Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd gyda’r Ceidwad Celf, yn cynnwys dyluniadau o’r 19G a’r 20G yng Nghasgliad yr Ystafell Brintiadau.
  • Cerdyn Caerdydd – a fydd yn rhoi mis o ostyngiadau i chi ar brif atyniadau, siopau a bwytai yng Nghaerdydd
  • Set o gardiau post gyda’ch llun buddugol

Bydd yr enillydd cyffredinol hefyd yn derbyn hamper o ddeunyddiau celf a dylunio.

Mae’r dyddiad cau ar gyfer derbyn ceisiadau ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth yn derfynol. Ni fydd unrhyw geisiadau a dderbynnir ar ôl y dyddiad a roddir yn cael eu hystyried. Gallwch ymgeisio fel pâr neu fel grŵp bach ond, petasech yn ennill, buasech yn gorfod rhannu’r wobr. Mae penderfyniad y beirniaid yn derfynol.


Cardiff 2040 Poster Design Competition

Posters advertising cities and towns were popular in the first half of the 20th century and were often produced by transport companies and tourism organisations. The posters attracted visitors with an enticing image and strapline that captured what the city had to offer. You can see some examples on the Design Commission for Wales’ Pinboard by clicking here.

Can you help us imagine and promote the future of Cardiff’s urban and natural environment? What would a poster promoting the city be like in 25 years time? How would you communicate your vision of this future city – its buildings, streets, public spaces and transport systems? Where will people live? How might they be employed? How will they travel? What will they do for fun?

Cardiff is set to see significant growth, change and development over the next few decades, and Cardiff Council has an ambitious long-term strategy for the city which will require excellent planning and design. There are many elements which weave together to make up a city and which will play a role in Cardiff’s development over the coming years. These include housing, education, employment, travel, leisure, tourism, culture, food, energy and environment.

The Design Commission for Wales, supported by Cardiff Council, encourages you to imagine what Cardiff could be like in 2040 and think about how you would tell the world about your vision of the city. What impact could good design and planning have on the city, and what will attract people to live, work and visit the city? What form might the growth of Cardiff take, and what will make the city unique?

Design a poster which promotes your vision for Cardiff 2040

Download the competition brief here

Create a poster to advertise Cardiff as you imagine it could be in 2040
Anyone can enter – young or old, or somewhere in between!

Your poster should take the following format:
• A3 size
• Include an enticing image which demonstrates your vision for the city
• Contain the main heading: Cardiff
• Include a short strapline which captures your concept for Cardiff in 2040

Your image can be as abstract, stylised or realistic as you like and you can use whatever medium you wish to create it, provided you can do so within the required format. If you are not confident about drawing, try something more abstract or experiment with collage, photography and digital tools.

Submit your poster in hard copy or electronically, along with a completed entry form to be received by 5pm on 15th April 2016. Download an entry form here.

Send hard copies to: Design Commission for Wales, 4th Floor Cambrian Buildings, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff CF10 5FL . Please send your poster flat, rather than rolled, with your name in pencil on the back.

Email electronic copies to:
Poster files should be in PDF format at sufficient resolution to be printed clearly at A3. Entry forms may be Word or PDF files.

Note: Our system will not accept emails larger than 9MB. Please send via Dropbox or equivalent if necessary

The entry form should include a short description of your idea and vision for Cardiff 2040 (up to 100 words)

All entries received by the deadline will be reviewed by:

  • Carole-Anne Davies & Amanda Spence, Design Commission for Wales
  • Cllr Philip Bale, Cardiff Council Leader
  • Cllr Ramesh Patel, Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability
  • James Clemence, Head of Planning, Cardiff Council
  • Mike Biddulph, Planner & Placemaking, Cardiff Council
  • Ruth Cayford, Visual Arts Manager, Cardiff Council

Entries will be judged on the creativity of the concept and how effectively the vision is communicated visually.

Winners will be announced on 22nd April. The best posters will be exhibited at Cardiff’s Central Square and Cardiff Bay train station, with support from Arriva Trains Wales, Exterion Media and Rightacres; and on the Design Commission’s website.

Awards will be given for the following categories:

  • Overall winner
  • Overall runner up
  • Under 18 winner
  • Under 11 winner

All winners will receive the following prizes:

  • Behind the scenes tour of the National Museum Cardiff with the Keeper of Art, including C19 & C20 designs in the Print Room Collection
  • A Cardiff Card – giving you a month of discounts at top Cardiff attractions, shops and restaurants
  • A set of postcards with your winning poster design

The overall winner will also receive a hamper of art and design materials

Only one entry will be accepted per person. The deadline for receiving entries for the competition is final. No entries received after the given date will be considered. You may enter as a pair or small group but, should you win, you will have to share the prize. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


Could you be a Design Review Panel member?

The Commission is seeking expressions of interest from professionals wishing to join its Panel to review development proposals. We review a wide variety of projects from individual dwellings to large-scale infrastructure schemes, which benefit from the multi-disciplinary nature of the panel and its varied expertise.

The term of appointment is two-year and members are not remunerated. However, relevant expenses incurred in carrying out duties associated with the position will be reimbursed. The time commitment required is approximately one day per month, however members will be expected to act as ambassadors for the Commission and its work. The panel is necessarily peripatetic covering the whole of Wales.

Applications are welcomed from all members of the design, development, environment and amenity professions and from those with appropriate design knowledge and expertise, who are eager to play their part in delivering a better quality environment.

For further information and an application pack please call or email us at:

029 20451964

Download the advert here