Could you be a Design Review Panel member?

The Commission is seeking expressions of interest from professionals wishing to join its Panel to review development proposals. We review a wide variety of projects from individual dwellings to large-scale infrastructure schemes, which benefit from the multi-disciplinary nature of the panel and its varied expertise.

The term of appointment is two-year and members are not remunerated. However, relevant expenses incurred in carrying out duties associated with the position will be reimbursed. The time commitment required is approximately one day per month, however members will be expected to act as ambassadors for the Commission and its work. The panel is necessarily peripatetic covering the whole of Wales.

Applications are welcomed from all members of the design, development, environment and amenity professions and from those with appropriate design knowledge and expertise, who are eager to play their part in delivering a better quality environment.

For further information and an application pack please call or email us at:

029 20451964

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