Quote from Carole-Anne Davies, Chief Executive of the Design Commission for Wales, on Pantglas Hall
Carole-Anne Davies said: “We recognise the potential for a good quality development in the area, and we’d welcome a scheme that responds to national and local policy and which realises the full regeneration and tourism promise of the site to enhance the local economy.
“This scheme came to us back in February and as far as we are aware it is moving through the due process with the local planning authority, who we also understand are in correspondence with the developer about how they will meet Carmarthenshire’s requirements, both in relation to existing consents and the new aspects of the project being developed.
“When the scheme was presented to us, the proposals for a new hotel and dwellings near Pantglas Hall did not respond to the potential of the site and existing landscape and did not demonstrate a serious approach to sustainable practice, other than the minimum statutory requirements.
“Planning policy in Wales requires that developments should respond positively to their context, in this case an outstanding rolling parkland landscape, providing huge natural capital and local distinctiveness.
“Given the landscape setting, there is an opportunity here to realise its benefits, so it is vital that the development preserves and enhances the setting of the listed tower, through genuinely distinctive and innovative design.
“We made several comments in our report that should assist the developers to maximise the full potential to help regenerate the area and have a positive impact on the economy and public realm.
“The Commission would welcome further consultation on the project regarding any revisions that may be made to the existing proposals and have offered further consultation to both developer and the Local Planning Authority.”